by Code95 Admin

23 Jan 2024

International Students Affairs Sector

The First Scientific Day at The British Council Egypt for The Orientation of The Masters of Implantology in collaboration with Huddersfield University

The College of Oral and Dental Surgery, Misr University for Science and Technology, organized its first Scientific Day at the British Council Egypt on Wednesday, 3/1/2024, for the orientation of The Masters of Implantology in collaboration with Huddersfield University in the presence of Prof. Hala El-Menoufy, Dean of the College of Oral and Dental Surgery; Prof. Hassan El-Shamy, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Affairs; Prof. Heba Shalaby, Director of the Continuing Education Center; Mr. Ahmed Ismail, Director of the International Relations Office and Dr. Ayman Hussien, Director of the University’s E-Learning Center

Prof. Hala El Menoufy, Dean of the College of Oral and Dental Surgery, welcomed the freshly graduated dentists attending the scientific event from Misr University for Science and Technology and other universities. Prof. Hala highlighted the importance of the cooperation between the College of Oral and Dental Surgery and the British Council Egypt, given that the college signed two cooperation agreements with both the University of Huddersfield and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. At the end of her speech, Prof. Hala thanked Dr. Ayman Hussein, Director of the University’s E-Learning Center, as the event was broadcasted live to the Laser center at the college with the presence of several members of the support staff and interns. Prof Hala also thanked Mr. Ahmed Ismail, Director of International Relations at the University, for his remarkable efforts in supporting the college

Prof. Heba Shalaby, Director of the Continuous Education Center, started an orientation lecture for the recent graduates from the College of Oral and Dental Surgery, MUST, and other Dental schools in Egypt. The lecture aimed at paving the way for graduates through presenting the unique, international Master of Implantology program, recently launched at MUST in collaboration with the University of Huddersfield, UK

The second lecture, titled The Power and Potential of 3D Printing, was delivered by Prof. Liam Blunt from the University of Huddersfield, UK and Prof. Mohamed Radwan from Misr University for Science and Technology

At the end of the fruitful scientific event, Dr. Bassem El-Fahl, Lecturer in the Department of Periodontology, Misr University for Science and Technology, gave a lecture titled “Digital Era of Oral Implantology.”

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